Haven by Sentrex

Drug Access Canada is makes sure Drug Access Navigators are equipped to help their patients. In cancer care, we partner with the Haven by Sentrex Patient Support Program. Haven provides a consolidated approach to Patient Support Programs by supporting cancer medications from multiple manufacturers, together.

Haven can support you with dozens of cancer related medications. More are added all the time. It is a one-stop-shop to make your experience faster and easier.

Drug Access Navigators

Haven streamlines your experience by cutting down on the number of programs you deal with each day. This means less paperwork and less touchpoints. You can also enjoy combination dispensing of multiple drugs at once.

Cancer Patients

Haven provides you with clinical and financial support free of charge, right away. Including free delivery and support from an Oncology pharmacist.

To enroll with Haven, use the enrollment link below or electronically through the OkRk platform at www.okrx.ca. 

Feel free to call one of the Haven Oncology Specialists at: 1-866-352-3211 or email [email protected]Their team is ready to help!

Click Here for Haven Oncology

Click Here for Haven Urology